Event details
The course aims at discussing with the participating patent authorities and examiners on the interrelation of public health and patent protection, including the flexibilities provided for under the national law, in line with the TRIPS Agreement, to protect public health. It aims, in particular, at strengthening the knowledge of patent examiners about the scope of and modalities for the interpretation and application of patent law in a manner supportive of public health objectives. It will also allow authorities to learn from each others’ experiences in developing and updating guidelines for the examination of pharmaceutical patent applications. Examples from selected cases in Asia and around the world will be discussed. Participation in the course will offer an opportunity to network and exchange with authorities of other patent offices in the region.
The course is designed for patent offices’ authorities, such as heads of IP offices, directors of patent divisions (notably pharmaceuticals and biotechnology), controllers, as well as patent examiners working on pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.
- What is the South Centre? What does it do?
- Programme Asia Patent Authorities and Examiners 2022
- Carlos Correa - A Guide to Pharmaceutical Patents
- Srividya Ravi - Patent Analysis for Medicines and Biotherapeutics in Trials to Treat COVID-19
- Guidelines on Pharmaceutical Patents
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- Current Scenario of Patenting in Critical Pharmaceutical Products - Srividya Ravi (Asia 2022)
- IP & Access to Medicines - Germán Velásquez (Asia 2022)
- IP, Innovation and Growth - Carlos Correa (Asia 2022)
- Role of Patent Offices - Carlos Correa (Asia 2022)
- Voluntary Licenses - Viviana Muñoz-Tellez (Asia 2022)
- Patentability Criteria - Carlos Correa (Asia 2022)