
South Centre Academic Dialogue
The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Patent Examination: Argentina in Comparative Perspective

8 May 2024, 3 - 4:30 pm
International Environment House II, 7-9 chemin de Balexert, 1219 Vernier, Switzerland (or via Zoom)

Co-Branded Event at the 2nd G-20 Health Working Group Meeting
Building Resilience for Health Emergencies, Pandemics and One Health

6:30 – 8:00 pm, 9 April 2024
Brasilia, Brazil

African Regional Training on Pharmaceutical Patent Examination
Regional Course for the African Continent IP offices

27-28 November 2023

Taller sobre los Criterios para el Examen de Patentes en el Área Farmacéutica en Colombia

26 y 27 de octubre de 2023
Bogotá, Colombia

Temas Contemporâneos em Propriedade Intelectual: Inovação Farmacêutica e Saúde Pública, Conhecimentos Tradicionais e Direitos Autorais na Era da Inteligência Artificial
Course for Brazilian Judges

Rio de Janeiro, 23-25 October 2023

3rd Exchange Dialogue between IP Offices
Online Discussion

4 October 2023

Propiedad Intelectual, Aplicación de Flexibilidades en el Regimen de Patentes y Acceso a Medicamentos
Curso con Asociación Argentina de Justicia Constitucional

5-6 de septiembre de 2023

Competition and IP Protection in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Event with the Brazilian Competition Commission

18 August 2023 - Brasilia

Good Pharmaceutical Patent Examination Promotes Access to Medicines
Side Event to the 64th WIPO Assemblies

11 July 2023, WIPO AB Building, Room B, 1 to 2:45 pm

National Workshop for Policymakers from Pakistan on Intellectual Property and Public Health
Course for Policymakers from Pakistan

6-7 June 2023, Online

Why Health Justice Matters – The Covid Pandemic: Global South Lessons and Intersection with Climate Justice’
25-27 April 2023, Rio de Janeiro

Event organized by Health Justice Initiative (HJI), ABIA/GTPI, People’s Vaccine, Oxfam, MSF, TWN, Rethink Trade, Fase, and Public Services International.

Examen de Patentes farmacéuticas: Desarrollando una perspectiva de Salud Pública – SAPI (Venezuela)
Curso sobre Examen de Patentes Farmacéuticas en Venezuela

14 y 17 de marzo 2023

Reunión Regional de Alto Nivel sobre Políticas de Propiedad Intelectual para Favorecer el Logro de los Objetivos de Salud Pública
Reunión Regional para América Latina

5-6 de Diciembre 2022

Regional Training on Pharmaceutical Patent Examination – North Africa and Middle East
Regional Course for MENA region

2-3 November 2022 - Marrakesh, Morocco

The Future of the TRIPS Agreement (Part 2)
South Centre Webinar

11 October 2022 - 10h00-11h30

2nd Global Forum on IP, Access to Medicines and Innovation

Geneva, CICG - 22-23 September 2022

Workshop on Patent Examination Practices Relating to Biologics

21 September 2022

Side Event “Use of TRIPS Flexibilities for Access to Medical Technologies”
Side event to the 2022 WIPO Assemblies

19 July 2022 - 08h30-09h30, WIPO AB Building

WTO 12th Ministerial Conference Decision on the TRIPS Agreement: What is next?
South Centre Webinar

5 July 2022 - 14h30-15h30 CET

Asian Regional Course for Patent Authorities and Examiners
Regional course for Patent Authorities and Examiners in Asia on Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health

7-9 June 2022

Thailand Course for Judges on IPRs, Competition and Public Health
Course organized with the Court of Appeals for Specialized Cases, Thailand

18-20 May 2022, Bangkok and Virtually

Seminar Series for African Judges on Intellectual Property and Public Health

22, 29 April and 6, 13 May 2022

Curso para Jueces sobre Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y Salud Pública
Curso nacional - Colombia

30 Marzo - 1 Abril 2022

IP and Competition Law in the context of Covid-19 Pandemic
Mini-Course with the Court of Appeals for Specialized Cases - Thailand

24 March 2022

The Impact of a TRIPS COVID Waiver on Trade and Investment Agreements
Program on Intellectual Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP), American University Washington College of Law event

February 4, 2022, 10am EST/3pm GMT

Local Production and Access to Vaccines and Treatments for Covid-19
Webinar with Idec, São Paulo

14 December 2021

Curso sobre Propiedad Intelectual: Aplicación de las flexibilidades y Acceso a Medicamentos en el Marco del Derecho Andino
Curso organizado con ORAS CONHU

Diciembre 2021 y Enero 2022, Virtual

Patenting of Plants and Exceptions to Exclusive Rights
South Centre side event to WIPO SCP 33

6 December 2021
16h00-17h30 (CET)

South Centre Exchange Dialogue between IP Offices on Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health
Exchange Dialogue between IP Offices on Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health

25-26 November 2021, Virtual

Curso Centroamérica: Examen de Patentes Farmacéuticas – Desarrollando la Perspectiva de Salud Pública
Curso sobre Examen de Patentes Farmacéuticas en Centroamérica

5, 10, 11 November 2021, Virtual

Desafíos Actuales de la Propiedad Intelectual y el interés Publico en la Región de América Latina
Conferencia: Interés Público y PI en América Latina

17-19 Noviembre 2021

Emerging Trends in FTAs and Public Health: Are the EU, USA and China shifting positions?
Webinar to discuss shifting positions of the EU, USA and China with respect to IP and public health.

7 October 2021

The Future of the TRIPS Agreement Post COVID-19
Working Session at the WTO Public Forum 2021

Wednesday, 29 September 2021
16h30 –17h30 CET

The Case for Policy Space: Bangladesh’s Pharmaceutical Sector and Access to Medicines
Webinar organized by Boston University Global Development Policy Center and the South Centre

September 23, 2021 7:00-8:30 AM EDT

Asia Regional Course for Judges on IPRs and Public Health
Regional course for Judges in Asia on Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health

6, 13, 20, 27 August 2021 - Online

Ensuring a Sustainable and Resilient Response to COVID-19 and Emerging Infectious Diseases through Local Production
UN HLPF 2021 Side Event organized by South Centre, ReAct and IDEA Initiative

Tuesday, 6 July 2021, 7:30 AM ET

TRIPS Waiver Webinar Series
Series of webinars organized by RIS and South Centre

5, 12, 19, 26 June 2021

Emerging Trends in FTAs and Public Health: Investment Agreements and Intellectual Property
Webinar to discuss emerging issues with respect to investment agreements, intellectual property, and public health.

28 May 2021
16:00-17:30 (CET)

La tensión entre la salud pública y las patentes en la era del Covid-19
Ciclo de conferencias, Apertura del ciclo. Organizan: CLACSO, South Centre, Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Integración regional y unidad latinoamericana

13 mayo 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm UTC-3

Securing Extension of the WTO TRIPS Transition Period for LDCs till Graduation and Beyond
This webinar will discuss why the request by the LDC members is just and legitimate, and is permissible under WTO rules.

9 April 2021 - 14h00 – 16h00 CET

Manufacturing Capacity for Covid-19 Vaccines: The Experience of Butantan-Sinovac
Webinar to discuss R&D, clinical trials and technology transfer in the experience of Institute Butantan, São Paulo, with Sinovac Life Sciences, Beijing, for the Coronac Covid-19 vaccine.

23 March 2021, 09-10h São Paulo / 13h00-14h00 CET

Not Charity, But Rights: Universal and Equitable Access to Covid-19 Vaccines
Session at the Second United Nations South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights organized by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, South Centre, and Human Rights Watch

March 17 12–1:30pm CET/4:30–6pm IST

Capacitación en Propiedad Intelectual y Salud Pública
El Salvador

17 Diciembre 2020 - Enero 2021

Case Law Database – Intellectual Property and Public Health
Digital Launch of Case Law Database with UNCTAD

16 December 2020

A Public Health Perspective on Pharmaceutical Patents: Patent Examination and Policy Coherence
Training with IP Viet Nam for Patent Examiners

14-16 December 2020

Guaranteeing Access to Medicines: Reforming Trade and Investment Treaties in the COVID-19 Era
Webinar with Boston University

11 December 2020

Access to Covid-19 Vaccines, Medicines and Diagnostics: Voluntary and Compulsory Licenses, TRIPS Waiver
A discussion on IP voluntary licenses, compulsory licenses and the proposal for a TRIPS waiver.

South Centre webinar with Médecins Sans Frontières Access Campaign
7 December 2020

Fair and Equitable Pricing in Health: Competition Law and Access to Medicines
Experts debate the effects of competition on prices of medicines

Webinar on 3-4 December 2020, organized by the South Centre and IDEC

Meeting on Waiver to Certain Provisions of the WTO TRIPS Agreement to Support Effective COVID-19 Response
A discussion and clarification on the proposal under consideration by WTO TRIPS Council for a temporary waiver to certain TRIPS Agreement provisions.

Monday, 9 November 2020, 3 to 4:30 pm CET

Intellectual Property & Competition Law in the Context of Covid-19
South Centre webinar with Office of Judiciary of Thailand and Thai Arbitration Institute

15 September 2020

Vacinas para Covid-19: Acesso, Regulação e Concorrência
South Centre webinar with EMARF-TRF2 (Brazil)

5 August 2020

Vacinas para Covid-19: Análise e soluções à luz do Direito da Propriedade Intelectual
South Centre webinar with EMARF-TRF2 (Brazil)

7 July 2020

Reflexiones sobre la Judicialización de la Salud en America Latina (Webinar)
South Centre Webinar - Judicialización de la Salud

23 Junio 2020

La mediación como método alterno de solución de controversias en materia de propiedad intelectual
South Centre online training with the Supreme Court of Paraguay

June 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Intellectual Property Management for Access to Diagnostics, Medicines and Vaccines (Webinar)
South Centre Webinar on Covid19 Publications

30 April 2020

Training of Patent Examiners on Patents and Public Health
Joint training organized by the South Centre and the India Patent Office, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government Of India

13-14 February 2020
Chennai, India

Training for Patent Examiners on Patents and Public Health
Joint training organized by the South Centre and the India Patent Office, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government Of India

10-11 February 2020
Kolkata, India

National Workshop on Probable Impact of End of TRIPS Transition Period upon LDC Graduation for Access to Medicines and the Pharmaceutical Industry
Joint National Workshop organized by the South Centre and the Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh

9 February 2020
Dhaka, Bangladesh

South Centre and African Union capacity building for African countries on the effective use of TRIPS flexibilities to protect public health
Joint capacity building for African countries on the effective use of TRIPS flexibilities to protect public health

18-19 December 2019
Cape Town, South Africa

Global Forum on Intellectual Property, Access to Medicines and Innovation
Joint Global Forum by SC & Max Plank Institute for Innovation and Competition - Munich

9-10 December 2019
Munich, Germany

Curso Latinoamericano para Jueces sobre Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y Salud Pública
Curso Regional conjunto Centro Sur y Consejo de Estado - Colombia

19-21 Noviembre 2019 
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Reunión Regional sobre Políticas de Propiedad Intelectual para Facilitar el Acceso a Medicamentos
Reunión Regional Conjunta Centro Sur y Universidad ISALUD

10-11 Octubre, 2019
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Regional Meeting on Intellectual Property Policies to Facilitate Access to Medicines
South Centre and Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social joint High Level Regional Meeting

2nd to 4th October, 2019
San José, Costa Rica

Public Health and Intellectual Property: Substantive Examination of Pharmaceutical Patents
South Centre, PMI Geneva and EGPO joint panel discussion - Side Event to 2019 WIPO Assemblies

Friday, 04 October, 2019
Room A, AB Building, WIPO

National Workshop on Public Health and Intellectual Property
South Centre and the Centre for Policy Analysis and Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia joint National Workshop

Friday, 20 September, 2019
Sari Pacific, Jakarta, Indonesia

Regional Workshop on Access to Medicines and Intellectual Property Rights
South Centre and the Centre for Policy Analysis and Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia joint Regional Workshop

18-19 September, 2019
Sari Pacific, Jakarta, Indonesia

Training of Patent Examiners on Patents and Public Health
Training for Patent Examiners

Monday and Tuesday, 1 and 2 July, 2019
Sala Altar – Atacazo, Hotel Sheraton, Quito, Ecuador

National Workshop on Examination of Pharmaceutical Patents: Developing a Public Health Perspective
SC and Egyptian Intellectual Property Office (EGPO) joint national workshop

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Pyramisa Suites Hotel, Cairo, Egypt

National Meeting of Policymakers on Public Health and Intellectual Property
SC and Egyptian Intellectual Property Office (EGPO) joint national seminar

Monday, June 17, 2019
Pyramisa Suites Hotel, Cairo, Egypt

National Judges Training on Intellectual Property Rights, Enforcement and Public Health
SC and the Supreme Court of Justice Paraguay Joint National Training Program

Thursday and Friday, April 11-12, 2019
Supreme Court of Justice, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines: Contemporary Trends
Training with EMARF-TRF2 for Brazilian Federal Judges

Angra dos Reis, 11-13 March 2019

Launch of the project “A Public Health Approach to Intellectual Property Rights”
SC Project Launch

Friday, November 9, 2018, 9:00 – 10:00
Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

South Africa Patent Examiner’s Training on Patents and Public Health
SC Patent Training Workshop

Monday, October 29-30, 2018
DTI Campus, Pretoria, South Africa

Intellectual Property and Health: The Use of TRIPS Flexibilities to Achieve SDGs
SC WTO Public Forum Event

Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 11:00 – 13:00
Room S1, The World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva, Switzerland

Guidelines for the Examination of Pharmaceutical Patents, Training of Pharmaceutical Patent Examiners
SC Training Workshop

Monday-Friday, August 13-17, 2018
Indian Patent Office (IPO), Mumbai and New Delhi, India