Training of Patent Examiners on Patents and Public Health, 13-14 February 2020, Chennai, India
Event details
The South Centre and India Patent Office are organizing a workshop for patent examiners with a focus on the exchange of experiences on the application of rigorous patentability criteria for the examination of pharmaceutical patents. Participants in this workshop will be patent examiners from Indian Patent Office in Chennai. This workshop will aim to exchange views on examination policies, compatible with the TRIPS Agreement, regarding cases where patent applications cover subject matter that does not deserve the grant of a patent. The objective of the workshop is to present analysis of international experiences and exchange of information on examination policies and practices concerning pharmaceutical patent applications, from a public health perspective. The workshop will respond to growing concerns about the proliferation of patents that protect minor, and in some cases obvious, variants of existing drugs or processes (such as changes in the drug formulation, salts, esters, ethers, isomers, polymorphs of known molecules, combinations of a known drug with other known drugs).
Supporting Material
- Patent Examination and Legal Fictions: How Rights are Created on Feet of Clay
- Guidelines on Patentability and Access to Medicines
- Implementing Pro-Competitive Criteria for the Examination of Pharmaceutical Patents
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- Programme
- Speaker Biographies
- Guidelines for the examination of pharmaceutical patents: developing a public health perspective
- TRIPS flexibility: patentability standards
- The State of Play in WIPO
- Access to Medicines and Intellectual Property Rights: Global problem, international context, challenges and solutions
- Training of Patent Examiners: Group Exercises